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How to Send Energy Healing to Others

Sending good thoughts and good intentions to the people dealing with psychological, emotional, and mental distress is more important than you may realize. In a world where everything is associated with energy, your thoughts and your intentions can, and do influence matter. People usually talk about sending positive energy and healing thoughts to someone in need, but do we fully respect the significance of these positive thoughts
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Chakra Healing Dubai

What is Chakra Healing 

The theory behind the age-old practice of chakra healing is that the body contains seven main energy centres, or chakras, that affect our mental, emotional, and spiritual health. According to

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What Is Energy Healing

Every living thing, let it be humans or animals, has a form of energy within them. Any disruption in this energy can be fatal to the body. You can recharge

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Shamanic Healing

What Is Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing or Shamanism – This is a spiritual practice that was traditionally used to heal physical ailments, emotional balance issues and spiritual connection. This method of healing has originated

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