PSYCH-K® Master Facilitation Workshop
This program aims to enhance your proficiency in your role as a PSYCH-K® Facilitator, whether it is working with yourself or with others. It is tailored for both Professional and non-professional PSYCH-K® Facilitators seeking to refine their facilitation skills beyond the scope covered in the PSYCH-K® Basic Workshop or other related workshops. The ultimate goal is to elevate your effectiveness, comfort, and confidence as a PSYCH-K® Facilitator.
What Techniques Are Taught in a PSYCH-K Workshop for Private Sessions?
The training will cover effective methods for conducting successful PSYCH-K® private sessions, whether in person or remotely, using various communication channels such as phone or online platforms like Skype, Zoom, and similar services.
Learn three immensely valuable processes over the course of four impactful days
In the Master Facilitation Workshop, you will be introduced to three exceptionally valuable processes to complement your set of Basic Balances. Gain proficiency in receiving Messages from Disease, Surrogation, and explore and customize the technique for Transforming the Perception of a Stressful Situation.
You will learn how to
Craft a personalized 'core-connection' statement related to PSYCH-K®
Serve as a surrogate for your partner during remote sessions.
Uncover spiritual insights within challenging situations.
Execute proficient and dynamic in-person private sessions from beginning to end.
Facilitate effective and dynamic phone sessions comprehensively.
Conduct successful Skype, Zoom, etc., video sessions from start to finish.
Experience personal benefits from the balances you facilitate for others.
Address occasional deviations from the balance processes and navigate challenges with muscle testing.
Embark with confidence on the journey to mastering the art of facilitating PSYCH-K®!
In addition to the above, you will be provided with a Master Facilitator's Manual, serving as a reference for supplementary information on topics like marketing, delivering compelling presentations on PSYCH-K® to groups and organizations, best practices and pitfalls to avoid in private sessions, and a wealth of additional insights.
The PSYCH-K workshop is a simple method to change limiting beliefs and negative patterns in their subconscious mind. Participants are taught how to change their thoughts, overcome emotional blocks, and improve areas like self-confidence
The PSYCH-K workshop helps individuals overcome barriers related to awareness and energy. This practical method is used to reframe the limits of the subconscious mind and transform negative beliefs into positive, empowering ones.
The Hub of Consciousness is the best PSYCH-K workshop center in Dubai. It provides transformative workshops to reprogram the subconscious mind.