Reprogram your Subconscious: PSYCH-K® Sessions in the Heart of Dubai

Our beliefs are fundamental to our identity, shaped by a lifetime of experiences and perspectives. They have a profound impact on our behaviour and attitudes toward ourselves and the world around us, ultimately leading to the development of habits and actions. Unfortunately, some of these beliefs can be limiting and affect our lives negatively. These negative beliefs may have been formed early in life and are so deeply ingrained in our subconscious that we may not even be aware of them. It is important to learn how to identify limiting beliefs and reprogram them into beliefs that support us. One effective method to do this is through PSYCH-K sessions in Dubai.

Understanding the Subconscious Mind


The subconscious mind can be defined as the part of our mind that operates below our level of awareness. It is responsible for controlling our automatic behaviours and habits, such as breathing, heartbeat, and reflexes. It is also the storehouse of all our memories, experiences, and beliefs, both positive and negative. Our mind holds onto a vast collection of memories, experiences, and beliefs, including both positive and negative ones. The subconscious mind is estimated to be 95% of our total mind power, while the conscious mind accounts for only 5%. This means that most of our behaviours and actions are dictated by our subconscious beliefs, whether they are positive or negative.


Our subconscious mind is programmed during our formative years, from birth to around seven years of age. During this time, we are like sponges, absorbing everything that we experience and perceive. These experiences become the foundation of our beliefs, which in turn shape our attitudes, behaviours, and habits. Unfortunately, some of these beliefs may be limiting and negatively affect our lives. This is where PSYCH-K® comes in.

What is PSYCH-K®?


PSYCH-K® stands for Psychological Kinesiology and is a technique developed by Robert M. Williams in 1988. It is a non-invasive, simple, and fast method of changing limiting beliefs into positive ones. PSYCH-K® uses muscle testing to communicate with the subconscious mind and identify limiting beliefs. Once identified, these beliefs can be reprogrammed into positive beliefs using a simple process called a balance.


A balance is a process where the client and practitioner work together to create a new belief that supports the client’s goals and aspirations. It involves the use of specific hand positions and visualizations to integrate the new belief into the subconscious mind. The entire process is painless and takes only a few minutes to complete.


Common Limiting Beliefs and How PSYCH-K® Can Help

Limiting beliefs can be related to any area of our lives, such as relationships, career, finances, health, and personal growth. Some common limiting beliefs include:

  • I am not good enough.
  • I am not worthy of love.
  • I am not deserving of success.
  • I am not smart enough.
  • I am not attractive enough.
  • I am not capable of achieving my goals.


These beliefs can be debilitating and prevent us from living the life we desire. PSYCH-K® can help reprogram these beliefs into positive ones. For example, “I am not good enough” can be changed to “I am capable of achieving my goals.” This new belief will help the client feel more confident and motivated to pursue their goals.


PSYCH-K® can also help with more specific issues. For example, if someone has a fear of public speaking, PSYCH-K® can help reprogram the belief that public speaking is scary and stressful. This new belief can be changed to “I am confident and calm when speaking in public.” This new belief will help the client feel more confident and relaxed when speaking in public, making it easier to deliver an effective presentation.


PSYCH-K® for Overall Well-being


PSYCH-K® can be used for overall well-being, both physical and emotional. Our beliefs can have a powerful impact on our health and well-being. For example, if someone believes that they are not capable of losing weight, they may not even try to change their habits. PSYCH-K® can help reprogram this belief into one that supports weight loss, such as “I am capable of making healthy choices and losing weight.” This new belief will help the client feel more motivated and confident in their ability to lose weight.


PSYCH-K® can also help with emotional well-being. For example, if someone has a fear of rejection, PSYCH-K® can help reprogram the belief that rejection is painful and unbearable. This new belief can be changed to “I am confident and resilient in the face of rejection.” This new belief will help the client feel more confident and less affected by rejection.


PSYCH-K® for Business and Career Success


PSYCH-K® can also be used for business and career success. Our beliefs can have a powerful impact on our success in these areas. For example, if someone believes that they are not capable of achieving their career goals, they may not even try to pursue them. PSYCH-K® can help reprogram this belief into one that supports career success, such as “I am capable of achieving my career goals.” This new belief will help the client feel more motivated and confident in their ability to achieve their career goals.


PSYCH-K® can also help with specific issues in the workplace. For example, if someone has a fear of public speaking in the workplace, PSYCH-K® can help reprogram the belief that public speaking is scary and stressful. This new belief can be changed to “I am confident and calm when speaking in public.” This new belief will help the client feel more confident and relaxed when speaking in public, making it easier to deliver an effective presentation.


Finding a PSYCH-K® Practitioner


Deepa Arora, our in-house PSYCH-K® Practitioner is one of 32 PSYCH-K® Instructors Globally and is the ONLY certified PSYCH-K® Instructor in the Middle-East and Subcontinent.




PSYCH-K® is a simple and effective method of reprogramming limiting beliefs into positive ones. It can help with overall well-being, emotional well-being, business and career success, and specific issues in any area of our lives. Don’t let limiting beliefs hold you back from living the life you desire. Try PSYCH-K® Session today and reprogram your subconscious mind for success

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