Breathwork & Ecstatic Movement with Naresh at JVT

Find stillness through conscious movement through Chakra Breathing and Trance Meditation   With the presence of chakras in the body, it is the convergence of energy, emotions, and physical body. With these chakras, our consciousness gets projected through these wheels, and this largely determines what we experience in reality. By working intensely on these chakras,...

PSYCH-K® Health and Wellbeing Program with Duccio Locati

Do you want to discover the magnificent self-healing abilities of your body and mind? Would you like to learn how to use them to help yourself? Alternatively, are you a health and wellness professional? Would you like to have a tool to integrate with what you already know and gain a more holistic approach be...

Abundance & Prosperity Meditation with Dharana

An abundance mentality opens us to new possibilities and leads to creativity. By contract, a mindset grounded in scarcity is restrictive, which can make us feel anxious and fearful Meditation and the use of affirmations help shift the mindset from scarcity to abundance.   Breathe in the glory of who you are. Divine, beautiful, abundant...

Oriental Belly Dance with Tania Batch 1 Session 2

Holistic belly dance incorporates the physical, theories, and history of belly dance, mind, emotions, and energy. This will take you on a journey of discovering beauty via the choreography of the motions and the expression of femininity at its most exquisite with grace and sensuality.   Belly dance is an ancient artistic movement that can...

Salsa Therapy Batch 1 Session 1 by Fuddz

“Salsa Therapy” is a journey of a fascinating dance therapy that helps us keep our mind body and soul in harmony as dancing is one of the closest forms of art to nature. Not only is it extremely therapeutic, but it’s also an adrenal rush that totally elevates your spirits and energy like no other!...

Heal Your Relationships – Reiki Meditation with Shaista

We first learn about relationships through our experience with our parents, this first relationship has a big impact on how we are in a relationship with our partner. Do you know unconsciously we seek in a partner what was unresolved in our childhood?   A couple goes through many stages and phases and the transitions...

Emotional Cleansing Meditation with Dharana

This Meditation helps you in clearing your mental space of negative emotions. It allows you to deal with past situations that cause you mental stress and get rid of emotions that no longer serve you.   The result is a  refreshed, lighter and a positive you!

Yoga for grief & Loss by Nassima

“Our thoughts create our feelings and our bodies experience, hold and express these feelings”   In this specialized yoga classes, you will practice different yoga shapes, movements and breathing techniques that will help you become more aware of both your mind and body and the intimate connection between the two of them.  It is a...

Access Body Process – Correcting Vision with Nisha Verma

Do you ever get tired and dry eyes, fatigue, blurring, headaches, occasionally double vision and other eye issues?   The Correcting Vision process from Access Consciousness® developed by Gary Douglas works on the molecular and cellular structure of the eyes.   It has 16 nurturing energy frequencies when activated, facilitates the release of emotions and...

Angels of Light (Level 1) Training

Welcome to exciting world of Angels! Angels are beautiful brings of Light that have the ability to help us, support us, uplift us and guide us towards making decision that bring us joy and happiness. In this 3 day program, we go on an exciting journey to discover who the angels are and how we...

Theta Healing® Advanced DNA Training with Nur Erdogan

The advanced Theta Healing Course expands the information in the Basic Class to encompass an in-depth understanding of the Seven Planes of Existence that surround us. The student will learn how to shift old resentments, vows, and commitments that hold them back. Learning new and advanced exercises, students will receive empowering downloads that will bring...

Salsa Therapy Taster Session by Fuddz

“Salsa Therapy” is a journey of a fascinating dance therapy that helps us keep our mind body and soul in harmony as dancing is one of the closest forms of art to nature. Not only is it extremely therapeutic, but it’s also an adrenal rush that totally elevates your spirits and energy like no other!...