The Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis and Applied Psychotherapy

The Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis and Applied Psychotherapy is certified by the Hypnotherapy Training College Australia. The training adopts an integrative approach to hypnotherapy. This means you will learn various approaches and techniques from different schools of thought.  You will be exposed to a ‘brain plasticity’ perspective.  



Research suggests that Clinical Hypnotherapy can help individuals cope with emotional and mental health issues.  More evidence is in support of hypnotherapy helping clients cope with pain, stress, anxiety, weight loss and more..  


The Diploma is facilitated as a blended learning, student-centered approach. This creates an excellent learning experience. Students can interact with each other, with the lecturer, tutors, and assessors. Course content is through thoughtful integration of online and face-to-face environments.


The Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis and
Applied Psychotherapy course is:

Student-centred approach to teaching

Support and interactive contact with tutors, lectures, and assessors

Dynamic face-to-face learning

No more than 12 students in each classroom

Real life case studies and real-life experience

Easy to read course material

No exams, only answering questions and written assignments

Focus on practical experience

Approved and Recognised

Payment plans available

Graduate support program

Supervision program after graduation

About Hypnotherapy Training College Australia

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Hypnotherapy Training College Australia provides a comprehensive practice-based education in hypnotherapy to healthcare professionals. Thousands of students include psychologists, social workers, teachers, general practitioners, psychotherapists, counsellors, natural therapists, physiotherapists and more all over the world. Many have incorporated hypnotherapy into their private practice; others create a private practice and become registered clinical hypnotherapists offering specialised hypnotherapy services to clients.


HTCA has been recognised by the associations since 2008.



• History from Ancient times to 20st Century

• Hypnosis theories and perspectives

• Individualist theories

• Understanding the working mind

• The model of the mind

• Brainwave states

• Misconceptions and fears of hypnosis

• Hypnotherapy vs meditation

• Elements of achieving trance

• Common behaviours of trance

• The laws of suggestibility testing

• The hypnotisable client

• Analytical vs non-analytical thinking

• Neuroscience of creativity and reasoning analysis

• Contra-indicators of hypnosis

• Difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy

• Uses for hypnotherapy

• The brain in hypnosis

• Cognitive changes

• Perceptual changes

• Therapist/client relationship

• Interpersonal skills

• The hypnotic phenomena

• Conducting a hypnotherapy session

• Best practice care

• Elements of a positive session

• The confident hypnotherapist

• Utilising the environment

• The hypnotic voice

• Hypnotic posture

• Hypnotic space and safely

• Abreaction

• Follow up sessions

• Confidentiality

• Documents to use in private

Introduction to

• The hypnotic experience

• Hypnotic phenomena

• Skills and techniques of therapeutic hypnosis

• Steps in the first clinical hypnotherapy session

• Suggestibility testing

• Inductions

• Convincers

• Deepeners

• Fractionation

• Suggestion types

• Emerging

• After the session


• Suggestibility testing

• Inductions

• Convincers

• Suggestions

• Types of suggestions

• Suggestion skills

• Emerging

• Time after trance

• Practice scripts for specific client issues

Script writing

• References to symbol, images and metaphors

• Hidden meanings

• Gathering information from the client

• Cognitive distortions


How to write

• Inductions

• Deepeners

• Suggestions for change

• Post hypnotic suggestions

• Emerging


Working with client issues—applied psychotherapy

• Writing scripts for a purpose and to understand hypnotic language

• Stress and anxiety

• Depression

• Phobias

• Insomnia

• Self esteem and confidence

• Examples of hypnotic language in scripts

• Understanding the client issues from a psychotherapeutic perspective

Understanding schemes

• Patterns of behaviour

• Distractor theory

Brain based therapy (DBT) to help clients with

• Insomnia

• Excessive intake of alcohol, drugs and/or food

• Multicultural factors to consider in counselling/psychotherapy

• The role of family and gender

• The value of training

• Factors to consider when counselling LGBTQIA+ clients

• Age regression

• Watkins affect bridge

• Inner child and adult work

• Common law and legislation

• Ethics

• Professional ethics

• Considering aged care

• Professional boundaries

• Attributes of a counsellor

• Duty of care

• Confidentiality

Psychotherapy and counselling based learning

• The purpose of counselling

• Communication techniques supporting the initial CH session

• Micro counselling skills

• Understanding client needs and expectations

• Establishing the nature of the helping relationship

• Domestic violence

• Professional boundaries

• Addictions

• Motivating a client

• Collaborating with other health

Psychotherapeutic modalities

• Client centred therapy

• Solution focused therapy

• Transactional therapy

• Cognitive behavioural therapy

• Gestalt therapy

Smoking program

• The perspective that smoking is a habit

• Information about nicotine

• 5 major steps to intervention

• Understanding the stages of change

• Relapse

• Motivational interviewing

• Questionnaires

• Handouts