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Heal, Resolve & Transmute Inherited Karmas From Ancestors & Past lives With Shaista

July 21, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

The Buddha Says :  To understand your previous-life, look at what you have in your present-life. To have a preview of your next-life, examine your daily act in this life. Don’t say that cause and effect is absurd. Look at you, your offspring, heirs, and grandchildren.

Karma is a belief, rooted in universal law, that whatever you do will come back to you, either in this life or the next. Generational karma, which has also come to mean “fate” or “destiny” is the sum total of all the physical, emotional, behavioural and mental traits and characteristics – both life positive and life negative – which you have inherited from your ancestor and you carry in your physical and soul DNA energetically that tends to get triggered as soon at a certain age / milestone is reached.

You could be carrying gifts as well as curses and karmas that hamper your evolution in different aspects of your life.

It’s impossible to be specific about the signs of generational / soul karma in your particular life. But I would say that if you repeatedly find yourself in situations that bring up the same theme. Or you repeatedly find yourself in situations that push the same buttons or triggers, it’s probably a sign that there’s a lesson to learn there.

The purpose of this program is to not just heal your blocks but also for you to experience enlightenment that will enable you to come out of the darkness into the light and begin to change others around you. This allows each one of us to help reverse karmic cycles and create evolution of the soul individually and collectively. Saying Goodbyes to lower vibrations and previous timelines and moving ahead in a higher state of consciousness to a higher time lime.

Day 1 – we will focus on ancestral karmas that have been manifesting in your life as blocks in different aspects of your life such as relationships, health, money, emotional and mental health.

Day 2 – We will dive deeper into your soul karmas to identify and resolve the remanent from previous life times that has been creating ripple effects of sufferings and struggles in your life.


Who can join the Program?

Healers, therapists, seekers of truth and all those on a path of healing themselves and others.

What to expect from the program ?

  • You can bring up any issue that has not been healed or resolved despite your conscious effort to resolve it.
  • Deeply hidden root causes will be discovered and healed through group healing processes.
  • You will also learn Truth about karmas
  • How to balance and clear karma
  • What ancestral and soul traumas have been affecting you
  • You will gain insights, wisdom and clarity regarding your own soul.
  • You will begin to experience deep healing on your long-standing issues and gain higher perspective around them.





Shaista is a Family Constellations Trans-Generational Trauma Facilitator. She is also a clinical hypnotherapist and a reiki master teacher. She believes that every person is the creator of their own destiny and is passionate about helping others take responsibility for their successes and failures and regard life with love and positivity.

She helps her clients understand the root cause of their emotional, physical, mental, or relationship problems in life by combining various healing methods. She provides therapy for issues such as Anxiety, Stress, Anger, addictions, fears, phobias, sleeping difficulties, eating disorders, obsessive thoughts, Relationship problems between parents/children OR between couples, along with providing complementary support to heal Physical ailments. Her healing process allows clients to look at their issues from a deeper perspective.

Her trainings & Sessions help clients reveal deep insight in order to assist them stepping into purpose, shift unhelpful patterns and beliefs, rapidly clear blocked energies, understand the root cause and facilitate healing.



 Dates: 20 & 21 July 2024

 Timings: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm (GST)

 Investment: AED 1111 (+ 5 %VAT)

Convert into 4 easy installments with TABBY

 Venue: Hub of Consciousness, Al Barsha 3, Dubai

You can book a 20 Minute complimentary Consultation to Learn More! 


July 21, 2024
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Event Category:

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